Archived Press Releases – 2007-2009
Archived press releases are available for download as PDF files. November 19, 2009 — US-Taiwan Business Council Calls for New Chip Investment Guidelines for China & Fairness in DRAM Consolidation Efforts October 23, 2009 — The US-Taiwan Business Council Welcomes Improved Taiwan Market Access for U.S. Beef, Calls for Resumption of TIFA Talks September […]
Editorial: Maintaining Stability
Editorial: Maintaining Stability: China Tests the Waters on Taiwan (Arlington, Virginia, July 21, 2009) Joint Commentary by Rupert Hammond Chambers and Walter Lohman – Honolulu Advertiser China and Taiwan are getting along much better these days. Considering the stake the United States has in their relationship, that’s good news. But this is no time to […]
Editorial: Detente Needs Muscle
Editorial: Detente Needs Muscle: Taiwan Modernization Underpins Chinese Dealings (Arlington, Virginia, July 20, 2019) Editorial by Rupert Hammond-Chambers – Defense News Early last month, several of Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense officials met with the Legislative Yuan’s Foreign and National Defense Committee. During his testimony, Chang Liang-jen, vice minister of national defense, noted that Taiwan’s […]
Testimony: Office of the United States Trade Representative 2009
Testimony: Office of the United States Trade Representative: Taiwan’s Inclusion in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement (Washington, D.C., March 11, 2009) Written Testimony by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Dear Ms. Blue, I am writing on behalf of the US-Taiwan Business Council, whose mission is to promote closer trade and economic ties between the United States […]
Editorial: Taiwan and China Make Strides, Can America Respond?
Editorial: Taiwan and China Make Strides: Can America Respond? (Arlington, Virginia, March 11, 2009) Commentary by Rupert Hammond-Chambers – Brookings Institution: Northeast Asia Introduction: On March 22, 2008, Taiwan voters went to the polls and declared a return to Kuomintang (KMT) rule. The KMT’s Ma Ying-jeou won a landslide election against Frank Hsieh of the […]

Happy Lunar New Year 2009!
The Council celebrates Lunar New Year 2009, Year of the Earth Ox!