Archived Press Releases – 2007-2009

December 1, 2009

Archived press releases are available for download as PDF files.


  • November 19, 2009  —  US-Taiwan Business Council Calls for New Chip Investment Guidelines for China & Fairness in DRAM Consolidation Efforts
  • October 23, 2009  —  The US-Taiwan Business Council Welcomes Improved Taiwan Market Access for U.S. Beef, Calls for Resumption of TIFA Talks
  • September 9, 2009  —  “US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference 2009” to Discuss Taiwan’s Strategy for Integration, Innovation, and Military Transition
  • August 14, 2009  —  Future of Taiwan’s DRAM Consolidation Still Uncertain
  • May 15, 2009  —  Taiwan Semiconductor Report Asks: Is Taipei Finished with Its DRAM Plan?
  • February 3, 2009  —  In Crisis There’s Opportunity for Taiwan’s DRAM Sector: US-Taiwan Business Council Report


  • December 16, 2008  —  The US-Taiwan Business Council Supports Taiwan Government Assistance for Ailing DRAM Industry
  • December 9, 2008  —  The US-Taiwan Business Council Congratulates Taiwan on Its Accession to the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA)
  • September 10, 2008  —  “US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference 2008” to discuss current trends in Taiwan military and national security relations with the United States
  • May 19, 2008  —  Paul Wolfowitz to Succeed William Brock as Chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council
  • May 7, 2008  —  Taiwan’s Semiconductor Companies Poised for Leadership in China: US-Taiwan Business Council Report
  • March 24, 2008  —  The US-Taiwan Business Council Congratulates Ma Ying-jeou on His Election as the Next President of Taiwan
  • January 28, 2008  —  US-Taiwan Business Council Calls On Next Taiwan President to Make Significant Changes to China Semiconductor Investment Policies


  • November 1, 2007  —  US-Taiwan Business Council Calls on Taiwan Government & Presidential Candidates to Articulate New Cross-Strait Technology Investment Policies
  • August 21, 2007  —  Senior U.S. and Taiwan Defense Officials to Deliver Keynotes at US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference 2007
  • August 1, 2007  —  US-Taiwan Business Council Welcomes Progress on U.S. Export Controls and Taiwan Investment Liberalization, Urges Continued Reforms
  • April 20, 2007  —  US-Taiwan Business Council Welcomes Taiwan Approval of ProMOS 0.18-Micron Investment in China, Urges Continued Reforms
  • April 19, 2007  —  Lengthy Delays and Lack of Formal Process for Leveraged Buyout Deals Hurt Taiwan Chip Companies: US-Taiwan Business Council
  • January 31, 2007  —  China Missile Test Reminds World of Technology Supply Chain Vulnerability According to US-Taiwan Business Council
  • January 30, 2007  —  US-Taiwan Business Council Supports Swift Completion of The Carlyle Group’s Purchase of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering
  • January 29, 2007  —  Taiwan to Become World’s Largest Market for Chip Equipment in 2007: US-Taiwan Business Council

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