June 20, 2017 Press Releases

USTBC Welcomes Mei-Yue Ho to the U.S.-Taiwan Business Forum

Press Release: The US-Taiwan Business Council Welcomes Mei-Yueh Ho, National Policy Advisor to the Taiwan President, to the U.S.-Taiwan Business Forum (Arlington, Virginia, June 20, 2017) The US-Taiwan Business Council today thanks Mei-Yueh Ho, National Policy Advisor to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, and the delegation of senior Taiwan business leaders for their participation in the […]

June 15, 2017 Testimony

Testimony: Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific – House Foreign Affairs Committee 2017

Testimony: Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific House Foreign Affairs Committee: Renewing Assurances: Strengthening U.S.-Taiwan Ties (Washington, D.C., June 15, 2017) Written Testimony by Rupert Hammond-Chambers Introduction Taiwan remains a critical global partner for the United States. It is currently our 10th largest trading partner, ahead of India and other strategically important countries, and it […]

May 10, 2017 Testimony

Testimony: The International Trade Administration 2017

Testimony: The International Trade Administration: Comments Regarding Causes of Significant Trade Deficits for 2016 (Washington, D.C., May 10, 2017) Written Testimony by Lotta Danielsson Published by the US-Taiwan Business Council Introduction On March 31 2017, President Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13786, directing the Department of Commerce and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative […]

May 8, 2017 Press Releases

USTBC Comments on a Letter from Congress to President Trump on Prioritizing an FTA with Taiwan

Press Release: Members of Congress Urge Priority Consideration for a U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement (Arlington, Virginia, May 8, 2017) In a January 23, 2017 memorandum, President Donald Trump directed the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) “to begin pursuing, wherever possible, bilateral trade negotiations” to promote American economic interests. In a letter to the […]

February 1, 2017 Articles & Editorials

Editorial: A U.S. View of Taiwan’s “Asian Silicon Valley” Initiative

Editorial: A U.S. View of Taiwan’s “Asian Silicon Valley” Initiative (Arlington, Virginia, February 1, 2017) Editorial by Lotta Danielsson – Global Taiwan Brief On September 8, 2016 Taiwan’s Executive Yuan (EY) formally approved the government plan to establish an “Asian Silicon Valley” (AVS) in northern Taiwan. The ambitious AVS initiative, with a planned implementation period […]

December 4, 2016 Articles & Editorials

Editorial: America’s Dangerous Drift on Taiwan

Editorial: America’s Dangerous Drift on Taiwan: Trump seems to understand that U.S. neglect of Taiwan has emboldened China (Arlington, Virginia, December 4, 2016) Editorial by Rupert Hammond-Chambers – The Wall Street Journal President-elect Trump’s phone conversation Friday with Taiwan’s democratically elected leader is the kind of engagement that any new U.S. president should undertake as […]

December 1, 2016 Press Releases

Archived Press Releases – 2013-2016

Archived press releases are available for download as PDF files.   November 1, 2016  —  Taiwan Wireless & Mobility Conference to feature keynotes by Paul Jacobs of Qualcomm and Ming-Hsin Kung of the National Development Council June 23, 2016  —  The US-Taiwan Business Council Welcomed TAITRA Chairman Francis Liang to the 2016 U.S.-Taiwan Business Forum […]

September 15, 2016 Articles & Editorials

Editorial: Taiwan’s President Must Prove She Can Lead

Editorial: Taiwan’s President Must Prove She Can Lead: After an unremarkable first 100 days, it’s time to get results on economic reform, international trade and relations with China (Arlington, Virginia, September 15, 2016) Editorial by Rupert Hammond-Chambers – The Wall Street Journal Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen recently completed her 100th day in office, and many […]

July 11, 2016 Commentary & Reports

Commentary: It’s Time to Expand U.S.-Taiwan Military Exchanges

Commentary: It’s Time to Expand U.S.-Taiwan Military Exchanges (Arlington, Virginia, July 11, 2016) Commentary by the US-Taiwan Business Council The United States Congress is currently considering legislation directing the U.S. Department of Defense to conduct expanded military exchanges between senior flag officers and other senior officials from the United States with their counterparts in Taiwan. A […]

May 15, 2016 Articles & Editorials

Editorial: Rough Roads Ahead for Taiwan’s New President

Editorial: Rough Roads Ahead for Taiwan’s New President: Tsai Ing-wen can’t count on U.S. support when it comes to standing up to Beijing (Arlington, Virginia, May 15, 2016) Editorial by Rupert Hammond-Chambers – The Wall Street Journal When Tsai Ing-wen takes office as Taiwan’s new president on Friday, it will represent another great moment in […]