USTBC Comments on the Proposed FMS of Volcano Anti-Tank Systems to Taiwan

December 29, 2022

US-Taiwan Business Council Green Logo

Press Release:
The US-Taiwan Business Council Comments on the Proposed Foreign Military Sale of Volcano Anti-Tank Systems to Taiwan

(Arlington, Virginia, December 29, 2022)

The US-Taiwan Business Council today welcomed the announcement of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Taiwan of Volcano anti-tank munition-laying systems and associated equipment at an estimated total cost of US$180 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) delivered the required certifications notifying Congress of the proposed Taiwan arms sale on December 28, 2022.

The published Congressional Notification (transmittal number 22-70) is for Volcano (vehicle-launched) anti-tank munition-laying systems, M977A4 HEMTT 10-Ton cargo trucks, M87A1 Anti-Tank munitions, training and test munitions, and related elements of spare parts, engineering, technical, logistical, and other program support.

The US-Taiwan Business Council welcomes the continued security assistance support for Taiwan provided by the United States. Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers commented on today’s sale, “The Biden Administration continues its steady drumbeat of selling munitions to Taiwan. The Volcano system is a useful munition should the PLA successfully establish a bridgehead on Taiwan soil. It is relatively inexpensive, mobile, and easy to deploy – which fits with the administration’s existing guidelines for arms sales to the island.

Source: See the DSCA website at

Additional Data:

For more details on Taiwan arms sales, please visit our dedicated defense website at The post “Taiwan Arms Sales Notified to Congress 1990-2022” contains charts showing a summary of arms sales data by year, along with a link to the raw data compiled by the Council from DSCA and other sources.

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